Monday, May 27, 2013

Years of growing...

I often see the quote: "The only photographer you should compare yourself to is yourself". A couple of years ago, I wrote a post about how I got started into photography, you can read it here. Though at the time I felt like I had been in it for a lifetime, It amazes me how many opportunities I've been given to grow since.

Three years ago next month, my sister-in-law asked me to take maternity photos for her. She was due with my niece within just a few weeks, and though I was thrilled, I'll admit I was just a little terrified to take them. The perfectionist it me will often keep me from trying things I'm not 100% sure I can achieve. It's amazing how the world of photography will take me out of my comfort zone (in a good way)!

I was happy with the outcome of their photos. They were by no means perfect, but I proved to myself that day I could do it. Here are a few...

A few weeks later, my beautiful niece was born. Once again, thrilled, but even more nervous. Newborn photography... it's hard to even describe. For the baby lover in me, this is something I dreamed of doing. On this day, the dream became a touch of reality...

Flash forward a few years....remember the quote? "The only photographer you should compare yourself to is yourself". Same family... new baby sister...

What have I've learned? My love for color outshines how I {thought} I felt about black & white back then! :)

I've had more newborn sessions than I can count between the births of my 2 nieces. I have only fallen in love more as the years go by. I could do this

To my family, friends, and clients (who become friends!). Thank you for supporting me, trusting me with your memories, and watching me grow. I have lots of growing to do, and I'm excited to see what the future holds!

Maternity sash & hair accessories by Peppermint Kisses Boutique.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Coming soon...

I've always said I could not have a desk job. Though a lot of my behind the scenes work happens at a desk (or sitting on my couch instead), I am too much of a people person to not have some type of interaction. One of my favorite things about being a photographer is getting to meet so many new people!

I had the pleasure of working with a family yesterday who is waiting on the arrival of their 3rd child...but 1st baby girl. :) Their boys are so incredibly sweet, I can imagine how protective they will grow to be of their baby sister. She is one lucky girl!

I am truly looking forward to meeting her this summer. Take a peek...

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I'm still here...

I look to see how long it's been since I've blogged, and I can hardly believe it myself. Has it really been since last summer? Surely the date on the last blog is lying, right? :)

So summer goes into ::my busiest time of the year::... enter holiday photos. Following that I made ::the:: big switch. I'm now a Mac girl, and oh how PC I've been trained over the years! I thought it'd be an easy adjustment, but I'll be honest, I've been playing catch up since January. Only in the past 2-3 week have I felt that I really have a clue as to what I'm doing.

And just in time for my mini baby boom...

I've had 2 newborn sessions in the past week or so, and I'm anxiously awaiting the arrival of my due-anyday-now-niece. I'm on to being an aunt of 12 here and I can honestly say, it NEVER gets old!

A random thought before I get to pictures (because that is after all what I'm supposed to be blogging about). ;)

You might notice I've changed my logo. There was some confusion with this (even in my own family) as to why I'd change after nearly 3 years. My name ::shocker:: is not the easiest to pronounce, and even more so, spell. I was finding it increasingly difficult for people to be able to interpret the spelling with my original logo being so fancy. I decided to make the switch to a much more "me" personality, and easier to read/spell. So there you go.

So onto the pictures!

Here's a pair of sessions...Maternity & Newborn...enjoy...

::Sigh:: I could do this ::everyday::