Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A reminder of home...

A year ago when I started this blog, I wrote about my love for travel. Well, I don't think that will ever change. I don't have the need for exotic locations, or far away lands to fulfill my desires. I'm not saying I wouldn't love to dream has always been to make a trip to Australia. If things work out, I may have an excuse to get a passport, and a reason to get a stamp in it next year, but that's a story for another day... 

My travels tend to revolve more around the people than the place. The place often times becomes the bonus. Each destinations has a family member, or friend of whom I enjoy spending time with. It satisfies my craving to go, let's me step out of the real world (even for just a moment), and sometimes I find that a little piece of home will do just the trick.

My destination was Tennessee, the people were dear friends. Our families are 2 of a kind. We grew up together, not far from each other when we were young, and were sad to see them go. We've made many trips there as a family, but this year it was just myself & my little sister. I love that 4 states away, I feel like I'm at home. Children running everywhere, sometimes a dozen conversations at once, but mostly quality time spent together.

I must say that the highlight of my time there was taking photos. Anytime there are 10 children ages 6 & under there is bound to be an adventure (or 5!). It was definitely a fun challenge (one I often face with my own family), and one I was up for.


Getting every member of their family a single location...was the hardest part of all. Something I understand well. :o) We celebrated over finding a small area of grass (with bonus trees & even a few rocks!) on the edge of the parking lot that worked just fine!
10 cousins & counting (next arrival due in December). I love it. :o)
 Another year, and a few more memories made. :o)

1 comment:

Laura Lee said...

Lovely family! and beautiful photo's!